Frank Harbers & Bas den Herder: On the Spot New Ways of Reporting in British and Dutch Newspaper Journalism, 1925-2005

Abstract: New, innovative ways of reporting changed newspaper form and content in Western Europe over the course of the twentieth century. In this article the changing forms of the newspaper are analyzed on three distinct levels: the national, the transnational, and finally the diachronical level. Two British and two Dutch newspapers, subdivided in those adhering to the information model (The Times and NRC Handelsblad) and the story model (Daily Mirror and De Telegraaf), were subjected to a content analysis. Three samples representative for 1925, 1965 and 2005 were analyzed. Our results show that, in contrast with general assumptions by media historians, the new journalistic routines and forms associated with the „new paradigm“ were still far from established in 1925 and still greatly developed even between 1965 and 2005. Form and content of the newspapers underwent many changes, in the way they identified authors, mentioned sources, used different genres, or in their subjects of choice. A closer look at the developments shows that the styles of journalism manifest themselves transnationally, but that newspapers show national characteristics as well, especially in the Netherlands.